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* X509Cert.php
* Copyright © 2017 - Thierry Thiers <webcoder31@gmail.com>
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify
* and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as
* circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL:
* http://www.cecill.info
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify
* and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a
* limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic
* rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with
* loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by
* the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that
* it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is
* reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth
* computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
* software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling
* the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally,
* to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
* @author Thierry Thiers <webcoder31@gmail.com>
* @copyright 2017 - Thierry Thiers <webcoder31@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.cecill.info CeCILL-C License
* @version 1.0.0
// Namespace.
namespace webcoder31\ezxmldsig;
// Use.
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use Exception;
* Analyze an X.509 certificate.
* The `X509Cert` class provides a set of convenient methods for extracting
* essential information contained in an X.509 certificate and for performing
* some useful checkings. In particular, it can verify the origin of the X.509
* certificate by using the intermediate certificate used by the CA to perform
* its signature (CSR). This class is used internaly by the `XMLDSigToken`
* class.
class X509Cert
/** @var string The X.509 certificate in PEM format. */
private $cert;
/** @var array The X.509 information of the certificatet. */
private $x509Info;
/** @var string The signature that is encrypted in the certificate. */
private $encryptedSignature;
/** @var string The signature that is encrypted in the certificate. */
private $originallyHashedContent;
* Create a new X509Cert object.
* @param string $cert An X.509 certificate (public key) in PEM format.
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($cert)
// DER encode the PEM certificate.
$derCert = self::pemToDer($cert);
if (!is_string($derCert))
throw new Exception("Invalid certificate!");
// Get X.509 information.
$x509Info = openssl_x509_parse($cert);
if ($x509Info === false)
$msg = "Failed to extract X.509 information from certificate!";
throw new Exception($msg);
// Grab the encrypted signature from the DER encoded certificate.
$encryptedSignature = self::extractEncryptedSignature($derCert);
if (!is_string($encryptedSignature))
$msg = "Failed to extract encrypted signature from certificate!";
throw new Exception($msg);
// Get what was originally hashed by the issuer of the certiicate.
// NOTE : This is the DER encoded certificate without the issuer
// information and the signature.
$originallyHashedContent = self::getHashedContent($derCert);
if ($originallyHashedContent === false)
$msg = "Failed to extract hashed content from certificate!";
throw new Exception($msg);
// Store the PEM certificate.
$this->cert = $cert;
// Store X.509 information.
$this->x509Info = $x509Info;
// Store the encrypted signature.
$this->encryptedSignature = $encryptedSignature;
// Store the content originally hashed by the issuer of the certiicate.
$this->originallyHashedContent = $originallyHashedContent;
* Get the certificate (public key) in PEM format.
* @return String The certificate (public key) in PEM format.
public function getPem()
return $this->cert;
* Get the issuer information of the certificate.
* @return array The issuer information of the certificate.
public function getIssuer()
return $this->x509Info['issuer'];
* Get the subject information of the certificate.
* @return array The subject information of the certificate.
public function getSubject()
return $this->x509Info['subject'];
* Get the Distinguished Name of the certificate.
* @return string The Distinguished Name of the certificate.
public function getDN()
return $this->x509Info['name'];
* Get the UTC date from which the certificate is valid.
* @param string The format of the returned date.
* Default: 'ymdHise'
* @return string|false The date from which the certificate is valid,
* FALSE if $dateFormat is invalid.
public function getValidFrom($dateFormat = 'ymdHise')
$tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$validFrom = $this->x509Info['validFrom'];
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('ymdHise', $validFrom, $tz);
return $dt->format($dateFormat);
* Get the UTC date to which the certificate is valid.
* @param string The format of the returned date.
* Default: 'ymdHise'
* @return string|false The date to which the certificate is valid,
* FALSE if $dateFormat is invalid.
public function getValidTo($dateFormat = 'ymdHise')
$tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$validTo = $this->x509Info['validTo'];
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('ymdHise', $validTo, $tz);
return $dt->format($dateFormat);
* Indicates whether the certificate is out of date or not.
* @return boolean TRUE if embedded certificate is out of date,
* FALSE otherwise.
public function isOutOfDate()
// We will compare date in UTC.
$tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
// Compute the UTC UNIX timestamp for the current date/time.
$curDate = new DateTime('now', $tz);
$curTimestamp = $curDate->getTimestamp();
// Compute the UTC UNIX timestamp certificate 'validFrom' date.
$validFrom = $this->x509Info['validFrom'];
$fromDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('ymdHise', $validFrom, $tz);
$fromTimestamp = $fromDate->getTimestamp();
// Compute the UTC UNIX timestamp certificate 'validTo' date.
$validTo = $this->x509Info['validTo'];
$toDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('ymdHise', $validTo, $tz);
$toTimestamp = $toDate->getTimestamp();
// Return timestamps comparison result.
return $curTimestamp < $fromTimestamp || $curTimestamp > $toTimestamp;
* Check the origin of the certificate.
* Verify that the X.509 certificate has been signed with the private key
* correcsponding to the given CA certificate to validate its origin.
* NOTE : Note that more than one CA certificate can give a positive result,
* some certificates re-issue signing certificates after having only
* changed the expiration dates.
* Note that it also works with self-signed certificates. In this
* case, passes the the X.509 certificate that is supposed been
* included in the XML digital signature to the function.
* @param string $caCert The certificate (in PEM format) corresponding to
* the private key that is supposed been used by CA to sign the X.509
* certificate.
* @return boolean TRUE if origin of the X.509 certificate has been
* validated, FALSE otherwise.
* @throws Exception
public function isValidCA($caCert)
// Get the public key from the CA certificate, which is supposed been
// used to encrypt the signature in the X.509 embedded certificate.
$caPublicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public($caCert);
if (false === $caPublicKey)
$msg = "Failed to get the public key from the CA certificate!";
throw new Exception($msg);
// Try to decrypt the encrypted signature using the CA's public key.
// The decrypted signature is a DER encoded ASN1 structure containing
// the signature algorithm and the signature hash.
// NOTE : The decrypted signature will be stored in $decryptedSignature.
$result = openssl_public_decrypt(
if (false === $result)
// Signature cannot be decrypted! This mean that the CA's public key
// was not used to sign the embedded X.509 certificate.
return false;
// Get the OID of the signature hash algorithm, which is required
// to generate our own hash of the originally hashed content.
// This hash will then be compared to the issuer's hash.
$oid = self::getSignatureAlgorithmOid($decryptedSignature);
if ($oid === false)
$msg = "Failed to determine algorithm used to sign certificate!";
throw new Exception($msg);
switch ($oid)
case '1.2.840.113549.2.2': $algorithm = 'md2';
case '1.2.840.113549.2.4': $algorithm = 'md4';
case '1.2.840.113549.2.5': $algorithm = 'md5';
case '': $algorithm = 'sha';
case '': $algorithm = 'sha1';
case '2.16.840.': $algorithm = 'sha256';
case '2.16.840.': $algorithm = 'sha384';
case '2.16.840.': $algorithm = 'sha512';
$msg = "Algorithm used to sign the certificate is unknown!";
throw new Exception($msg);
// Get the hash generated by the issuer from the decrypted signature.
$signatureHash = self::getSignatureHash($decryptedSignature);
// Hash the originally hashed content with the same algorithm.
$computedHash = hash($algorithm, $this->originallyHashedContent);
// Compare hashes and returns the result.
return ($signatureHash === $computedHash);
* Extract encrypted signature from a DER encoded certificate.
* Expects X.509 DER encoded certificate consisting of a section container
* containing 2 sequences and a bitstream. The bitstream contains the
* original signature encrypted with the public key of the issuing signer.
* The DER encoded certificate has the following structure:
* SEQUENCE (Issuer and signature sections)
* ...
* ...
* SEQUENCE (Signature encryption algorithm OID)
* ...
* BITSTREAM (Encrypted signature)
* @param string $derCertificate DER encoded certificate.
* @return string|false The encrypted signature on success,
* FALSE on failure.
static private function extractEncryptedSignature($derCertificate)
if (strlen($derCertificate) < 5)
return false;
// Skip container sequence.
$derData = substr($derCertificate, 4);
// Now burns through two sequences and then return the final bitstream.
while (strlen($derData) > 1)
// Get the class of the following data.
$class = ord($derData[0]);
switch ($class)
// Sequence class case.
case 0x30:
// Compute the length of the sequence.
$length = ord($derData[1]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derData[$i + 2]);
// Get the content of the sequence.
$contents = substr($derData, 2 + $bytes, $length);
// Burns the sequence.
$derData = substr($derData, 2 + $bytes + $length);
// Bistream class case.
case 0x03:
// Compute the length of the bitstream.
$length = ord($derData[1]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derData[$i + 2]);
// Returns the bitstream (the DER encoded signature).
return substr($derData, 3 + $bytes, $length);
// Unknown class case.
// Extraction failed.
return false;
// Extraction failed.
return false;
* Get DER certificate with issuer and signature sections stripped.
* The DER encoded certificate has the following structure:
* SEQUENCE (Issuer and signature sections)
* ...
* ...
* SEQUENCE (Signature encryption algorithm OID)
* ...
* BITSTREAM (Encrypted signature)
* @param string $derCertificate DER encoded certificate.
* @return string|false DER certificate with issuer and signature sections
* stripped on success, FALSE on failure.
static private function getHashedContent($derCertificate)
if (!is_string($derCertificate) or strlen($derCertificate) < 8)
// Invalid DER certificate.
return false;
// Compute the length of data to strip.
$bit = 4;
$length = ord($derCertificate[($bit + 1)]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derCertificate[$bit + $i + 2]);
// Returns DER certificate with issuer and signature sections stripped.
return substr($derCertificate, 4, $length + 4);
* Get signature algorithm OID from DER encoded signature data.
* This ASN1 data should contain the following structure:
* OID (Signature hash algorithm)
* OCTET STRING (Signature hash)
* @param string $derSignatureData DER encoded signature data.
* @return string|false The signature algorithm OID, FALSE on failure.
static private function getSignatureAlgorithmOid($derSignatureData)
// Validate this is the DER encoded singature we need.
if (!is_string($derSignatureData) or strlen($derSignatureData) < 5)
// Invalid DER data.
return false;
$bit_seq1 = 0;
$bit_seq2 = 2;
$bit_oid = 4;
if (ord($derSignatureData[$bit_seq1]) !== 0x30)
// Invalid DER certificate.
return false;
if (ord($derSignatureData[$bit_seq2]) !== 0x30)
// Invalid DER certificate.
return false;
if (ord($derSignatureData[$bit_oid]) !== 0x06)
// Invalid DER certificate.
return false;
// Strip out what we don't need.
$derData = substr($derSignatureData, $bit_oid);
// Get the algorithm OID.
$length = ord($derData[1]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derData[$i + 2]);
$oidData = substr($derData, 2 + $bytes, $length);
// Unpack the algorithm OID.
$oid = floor(ord($oidData[0])/40);
$oid .= '.' . ord($oidData[0]) % 40;
$value = 0;
$i = 1;
while ($i < strlen($oidData))
$value = $value << 7;
$value = $value | (ord($oidData[$i]) & 0x7f);
if (!(ord($oidData[$i]) & 0x80))
$oid .= '.' . $value;
$value = 0;
// Returns the algorithm OID.
return $oid;
* Get signature hash from a DER encoded signature data.
* This is ASN1 data that should contain the following structure:
* OID (Signature hash algorithm)
* OCTET STRING (Signature hash)
* @param string $derSignatureData Decrypted DER encoded signature data.
* @return string|false The signature hash, FALSE on failure.
static private function getSignatureHash($derSignatureData)
// Validate this is the DER encoded singature we need.
if (!is_string($derSignatureData) or strlen($derSignatureData) < 5)
// Invalid DER data.
return false;
if (ord($derSignatureData[0]) !== 0x30)
// Invalid DER data.
return false;
// Strip out the container sequence.
$derData = substr($derSignatureData, 2);
if (ord($derData[0]) !== 0x30)
// Invalid DER certificate.
return false;
// Compute the length of the first sequence to strip out.
$length = ord($derData[1]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derData[$i + 2]);
// Strip out the first sequence.
$derData = substr($derData, 2 + $bytes + $length);
// Now we should have an octet string.
if (ord($derData[0]) !== 0x04)
// Invalid DER data.
return false;
// Compute the length of the octet string.
$length = ord($derData[1]);
$bytes = 0;
if ($length & 0x80)
$bytes = $length & 0x0f;
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++)
$length = ($length << 8) | ord($derData[$i + 2]);
// Returns the signature hash.
return bin2hex(substr($derData, 2 + $bytes, $length));
* Convert PEM encoded X.509 certificate to DER encoding.
* @param string $pemCertificate PEM encoded X.509 certificate.
* @return string|false DER encoded X.509 certificate on success,
* FALSE on failure.
static public function pemToDer($pemCertificate)
if (!is_string($pemCertificate))
// Invalid parameter.
return false;
$pattern = '/(-----((BEGIN)|(END)) CERTIFICATE-----)/';
$base64Content = preg_split($pattern, $pemCertificate);
if (!isset($base64Content[1]))
// Invalid PEM certificate.
return false;
// Returns the DER encoded certificate.
return base64_decode($base64Content[1]);
* Convert DER encoded X.509 certificate to PEM encoding.
* @param string $derCertificate DER encoded X.509 certificate.
* @return string|false PEM encoded X.509 certificate on success,
* FALSE on failure.
static public function derToPem($derCertificate)
if (!is_string($derCertificate))
// Invalid parameter.
return false;
$b64DerCert = base64_encode($derCertificate);
$pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n";
$pem .= implode("\n", str_split($b64DerCert, 65)) . "\n";
$pem .= "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
return $pem;