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Yes, another slideshow plugin... But a stunning one!
The slideshow presented above is made from only 25 images! And the result is frankly bluffing, right? It looks quite like a movie, no?
ENDLESS plugin is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the ENDLESS plugin under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL:
The source code of this plugin is hosted as an open source project on GitHub:
Any issue should be reported at the following URL:
Any contribution is welcome and may be submitted at the following URL:
ENDLESS plugin is a reactive slideshow that zooms indefinitely on a set of images. It provides several settings and configurable effects to meet your needs.
By playing on all or part of these features you can, using a few well chosen images and smartly prepared, get a slideshow resembling a video. For example, the slideshow presented in the banner of this page is made from only 25 images! And the result is frankly amazing, right?
The plugin provides several basic options that allow to:
In addition to the previous options, 3 configurable built-in effects are available to:
You can bind ENDLESS plugin to any block type element, usualy to a div
element. The plugin will then create an underlying canvas
in which the slideshow will be executed, allowing you to define a visible content into the block type container that overlay the slideshow. If the container to which you assign the slideshow is resized, the slideshow will also be resized while maintaining the aspect ratio of the images.
Several distinct instances of the plugin may be used in the same page.
Basic example showing all available parameters and hooks with their default values (just cut'n paste and you're done):
<!-- Slideshow placeholder -->
<div id="slideshow">
<!-- Your content here if any -->
<!-- Load jQuery library and the ENDLESS plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="endless.min.js"></script>
<!-- Page script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the slideshow.
var slideshow = $('#slideshow').endless({
// Images list (required)
images: [
// ...
// Basic parameters
shuffle: true,
grayscale: false,
opacity: 100,
vpOffsetFactorX: 0,
vpOffsetFactorY: 0,
fxCycleDuration: 30,
speed: 10,
// Speed FX parameters
speedFX: true,
speedFXOffset: 1.20,
speedFXGain: 0.70,
speedFXDamping: 1.25,
speedFXFrequency: 1,
speedFXPhase: -1.45,
// Parallax FX parameters
parallaxFX: true,
parallaxFXGainX: 0.55,
parallaxFXFrequencyX: 3,
parallaxFXPhaseX: -0.75,
parallaxFXGainY: 0.45,
parallaxFXFrequencyY: 4,
parallaxFXPhaseY: 0.35,
// Hue FX parameters
hueFX: true,
hueFXFrequency: 6,
// Hooks
loaded: function() {},
beforeAnimate: function(time, clock) {},
afterAnimate: function(time, clock, fxValues) {}
// Start the slideshow.
The plugin provides two commands:
which should be used to start the animation.stop
which should be used to pause the animation.The following example illustrates how to control the slideshow with a button:
<!-- Slideshow placeholder -->
<div id="slideshow"></div>
<!-- START / STOP button -->
<button id="button">STOP</button>
<!-- Load jQuery library and the ENDLESS plugin -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="endless.min.js"></script>
<!-- Page script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the slideshow.
var slideshow = $('#slideshow').endless({
images: [
// ...
// Start the slideshow automaticaly.
// Start / stop the slideshow on button click.
$('#button').click(function() {
if($(this).html() == 'STOP') {
else {
ENDLESS plugin offers 3 hooks that must be assigned callback functions to let you interacts whith the slideshow:
which is triggered when all images are loaded. So you can, for exemple, easily control a spinner for a perfect user experience.beforeAnimate
which is triggered before each step of the animation.time
which is the time elapsed since the slideshow has started in milliseconds.clock
which is the elapsed time converted to cyclic value from -π
to +π
. The duration of the cycle is defined by the parameter fxCycleDuration
which is triggered after each step of the animation.time
which is the time elapsed since the slideshow has started in milliseconds.clock
which is the elapsed time converted to cyclic value from -π
to +π
. The duration of the cycle is defined by the parameter fxCycleDuration
which is an object containing the values computed during the animation step.speed
which is the current speed.parallaxOffsetX
which is the current parallax offset (in pixels) on the X axis from the vanishing point.parallaxOffsetY
which is the current parallax offset (in pixels) on the Y axis from the vanishing point.hue
which is the current hue value in degrees.Callback functions assigned to the hooks do not need to return value.
The following sample shows how to use the afterAnimate
hook to stop the slideshow after 15 seconds:
var slideshow = $('#slideshow').endless({
images: [
// ...
afterAnimate: function(time, clock, fxValues) {
if(time > 15000) {
ENDLESS plugin has two kinds of parameters:
and the shuffle
parameters.Both can be passed either as normal options (ie. numbers, strings, booleans, etc.) for a static configuration or as callback functions to control the slideshow in real time.
The callback functions receive 2 values as arguments when called:
which is the time elapsed since the slideshow has started in milliseconds.clock
which is the elapsed time converted to cyclic value from -π
to +π
. The duration of the cycle is defined by the parameter fxCycleDuration
.Provided option values are sanitized by the plugin. For example, if you provide a value which is out of the accepeted range, it will be rounded to the nearest valid value.
The following example illustrate how to control the opacity
parameter with a callback function:
images: [
// ...
opacity: function(time, clock) {
return 60 + 40 * Math.sin(4 * clock);
These parameters let you set the basic options of the slideshow.
List of images that compose the slideshow. To obtain a smooth effect, you should at least use dozen of images. If you do not have enough images, you can specify some images twice or more in the list.
Can be relative or absolute URL.
Type | Range | Default |
array |
N.A. |
N.A. |
Shuffle the order of images before launching the slideshow.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
true |
Images superimposition opacity.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 100 |
100 |
Converts images into grayscale.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
false |
Percentage offset of the X-coordinate of the vanishing point from the center of the slideshow.
IMPORTANT: If the parallax effect is activated, the absolute value of this parameter defines the maximum variation of the X-coordinate of the vanishing point (negative or positive). Therefore, the value 0
inhibits the parallax effect on the X axis.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-100 / +100 |
50 |
Percentage offset of the Y-coordinate of the vanishing point from the center of the slideshow.
IMPORTANT: If the parallax effect is activated, the absolute value of this parameter defines the maximum variation of the Y-coordinate of the vanishing point (negative or positive). Therefore, the value 0
inhibits the parallax effect on the Y axis.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-100 / +100 |
50 |
This define the base duration (in seconds) used to convert elapsed time since the slideshow has started to a cyclic value comprised between -π
and +π
Built-in effects use this value as the base time to generate speed variation, parallax effect and images hue rotation.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
1 / 60 |
30 |
This parameter defines the slideshow speed. This is the rate at which the slideshow zooms or de-zooms in the images that it superimposes successively on top of each other. Note that it's a relative value, without real unit.
A negative value make the slideshow going backward.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-100 / +100 |
10 |
This effect controls dynamicaly the rate at which the slide show zooms or de-zooms in the images that it superimposes successively on top of each other.
The speed variation effect is governed by the following periodic function:
s = ns * (O + G * sin(t * 1/2 * F + P + D * cos(t * 2 * F)))
is the elapsed time converted to a cyclic value from -π
to +π
(see the fxCycleDuration
is the variegated speed for the current elapsed time.ns
is the nominal speed of the slideshow (see the speed
is a positive or negative offset allowing to shift up or down the speed variation (see the speedFXOffset
is the gain (attenuation) of the speed variation effect (see the speedFXGain
is the gain of the damping of the speed variation effect (see the speedFXDamping
is the frequency of the speed variation effect (see the speedFXFrequency
is the phase shift of the speed variation effect (see the speedFXPhase
parameter).Enable speed variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
true |
Offset of the speed variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-2.00 / +2.00 |
1.20 |
Gain (attenuation) of the speed variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0.00 / 1.00 |
0.70 |
Gain of the damping of the speed variation effect.
The value 0
inhibits the damping.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-2.00 / +2.00 |
1.25 |
Frequency of the speed variation effect compared to one cycle of the built-in effects (see the fxCycleDuration
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 10 |
1 |
Phase shift of the speed variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-π / +π |
-1.45 |
This effect controls the shifting of the slideshow images on the X and Y axes while continuously zooming in or out. Combined with the speed variation effect, this produces a parallax effect enhanced by a variable depth of field which makes the slideshow look almost like a video.
The parallax effect is governed by two periodic functions controling the moving of the vanishing point on the two axes from the center of the slideshow:
x = sw/2 * GX * sin(t * FX + PX)
is the elapsed time converted to a cyclic value from -π
to +π
(see the fxCycleDuration
is the variegated delta (from the slideshow center) on the X axis for the current elapsed time.sw
is the width of the slideshow.GX
is the gain (attenuation) of the parallax effect on the X axis (see the parallaxFXGainX
is the frequency of the moving on the X axis (see the parallaxFXFrequencyX
is the phase shift of the moving on the X axis (see the parallaxFXPhaseX
parameter).y = sh/2 * GY * cos(t * FY + PY)
is the elapsed time converted to a cyclic value from -π
to +π
(see the fxCycleDuration
is the variegated delta (from the slideshow center) on the Y axis for the current elapsed
is the height of the slideshow.GY
is the gain (attenuation) of parallax effect on the Y axis (see the parallaxFXGainY
is the frequency of the moving on the Y axis (see the parallaxFXFrequencyY
is the phase shift of the moving on the Y axis (see the parallaxFXPhaseY
parameter).Enable parallax effect.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
true |
Gain (attenuation) of the X axis parallax effect.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0.00 / 1.00 |
0.55 |
Frequency of the X axis parallax effect compared to one cycle of the built-in effects (see the fxCycleDuration
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 10 |
3 |
Phase shift of the parallax effect on the X axis.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-π / +π |
-0.75 |
Gain (attenuation) of the Y axis parallax effect.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0.00 / 1.00 |
0.45 |
Frequency of the Y axis parallax effect compared to one cycle of the built-in effects (see the fxCycleDuration
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 10 |
4 |
Phase shift of the parallax effect on the Y axis.
Type | Range | Default |
number |
-π / +π |
0.35 |
This effect cyclically modify the opacity of images of slideshow. It is dynamicaly weighted by the real time speed of the slideshow.
Enable opacity variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
true |
Frequency of the opacity effect compared to one cycle of the built-in effects (see the fxCycleDuration
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 10 |
6 |
This effect cyclically modify the hue of images of slideshow. It is dynamicaly weighted by the real time speed of the slideshow.
Enable hue variation effect.
Type | Range | Default |
boolean |
false / true |
true |
Frequency of the hue effect compared to one cycle of the built-in effects (see the fxCycleDuration
Type | Range | Default |
number |
0 / 10 |
6 |
You can use and mix any type of images supported by web browsers, no matter they have different formats and dimensions. Path to an image may be either a relative URL to a local asset or a full external URL.
Once loaded, a transform matrix is applyed to images, making their edges blured and faded to transparent color in order to achieve the following effect.
How images are pre-processed before being used by Endless slideshow: